
国产 gv 好莱坞片场的演员导演们齐在忙些啥?

         发布日期:2024-09-25 12:19    点击次数:99

国产 gv 好莱坞片场的演员导演们齐在忙些啥?

好意思国一家网站近日发表题为《好莱坞的东谈主们到底齐在作念什么?》的著述国产 gv,采访了制片东谈主珍·塞姆勒,盘货了好莱坞片场工种,向寰球讲授了他们到底是怎样各司其职的。



Actor (male or female): If you are lucky, the only people who show up on screen when your film is finished. 演员:电影拍完后,只消演员粗略在银幕上露脸,够庆幸。

Art Director: The right, or left, hand of the production designer. The Designer decides what the world is, and the Art Director works with the entire art department to make sure that vision happens. Most of the time they also have to do all that work and keep the entire department on time and budget. 艺术携带:好意思术总监的左膀右臂。好意思术总监考究构建场景,而艺术携带与通盘艺术制作部门协作考究落实。大广大情况下,他们也要参与通盘这些责任,确保按期完成,并甩掉预算。

Associate Producer: To quote David Mamet from State and Main,"[The credit is] what you give your secretary instead of a raise." 助理制片东谈主:援用影片《空想小镇》导演戴维·马梅特的话来说,“助理的名字会被写在鸣谢名单上,而无用给他加工资”。

Assistant: There isn't enough space on the internet to list all the things an assistant does, but here goes a try: 1. Make coffee 2. Answer phones 3. Purchase gifts 4. Book travel 5. Do script notes 6. Get their boss home safe and alive every night 7. Etc. 8. Etc. 9. Etc. 助理:网站上莫得实足空间列出助理通盘责任事项,但包括:煮咖啡、接电话、买礼物、预订行程、作念脚本纪录、每晚将大哥安全送回家,等等。

Assistant Director (AD): If the director steers the ship, the AD makes sure he has the tools to do it. The AD sets the schedule and tries their VERY best to keep everyone on it. 副导演:淌若说导演是舵手,那么副导演就要确保舵手有器具可用。副导演安排日程,并尽可能让寰球循途守辙。

Best Boy: Assistants to their department head (either Gaffer, or Key Grip), they work hella hard and always have various types of tape and cable ties at the ready. 灯光/器械助理:(灯光携带或谈具掌握)助理。他们干活很卖命,准备好多样录影带和线缆随时待命。

Catering/Craft Service: They hold the cast and crew in their hands by keeping them fed, hydrated, caffeinated, and happy. For those that behave, they may also keep a small stash of your favorite treats hidden away on your rough days. 餐饮就业生:他们为全体剧组提供餐饮、咖啡,让剧组吃饱喝好。淌若对他们魄力好点,他们还会给你留点厚味的,在你拍摄遇阻的技术犒劳一下你。

Co-Producer: Most of the time just as important as an Executive Producer or Producer but makes significantly less money :-) 连合制片东谈主:大广大情况下和膨大制片东谈主或监制同样进犯,但挣得少许多。


Director: The leader of the pack, the righter of the ship and, if they know what is good for them, the buyer of the first round after wrap. 导演:片场的主导、主舵手,淌若了解寰球喜好的话,会在杀青之后请喝第一顿酒。

DP/Director of Photography/Cinematographer: Runs the camera crew to make the visual and lighting magic -- hopefully, super well supported by the grip and electric department. Some even throw that camera on their shoulder and operate. Sometimes while doing so they fall down. It's funny. 影相携带/影相师:考究管制影相团队,已矣视觉和灯光遵循——虽然最佳是得回器械部门和电力部门通力搭救。有些东谈主致使躬行扛着录像机上阵,有技术还会我方绊倒,让东谈主忍俊不禁。

Editor: The person who shapes the movie into what it becomes. The right (or left) hand of the director and the person most relied upon to fix what is wrong well after the fact. 裁剪:考究将影片修剪为成片。是导演的左膀右臂,是杀青后修修补补最需要依赖的变装。

Executive Producer: Up for grabs. The money person, the idea person, the line producer, the agent, or manager for the writer/director/actor or someone with the golden ticket. 膨大制片东谈主:什么齐要管。又管钱又出点子,作念现场制片还兼牙东谈主。编剧、导演、演员、还有多样大牌有事齐找他。

澡堂 偷拍


Gang Boss: I'm pretty sure sometimes they are just called construction foremen, but why would you call yourself that if you could go by GANG BOSS. Their job is to oversee the construction crew and make sure everything on set gets built as it should. 领班:不错细则,有技术他们仅仅叫领班,但淌若能叫领班的话,谁还会叫我方领班呢。他们考究监督施工队,确保片步地有配景搭建到位。

Gaffer: The chief electrician and, hopefully, the DP's bestie. 灯光总监:电领班,希望依然影相携带的铁杆手足。

Grip: They build and maintain everything that the camera goes on like a dolly or a crane, and also help set up all the stuff that the lighting equipment goes on. 置景工:考究搭建、保重莳植,让录像机一忽儿架在出动车上,一忽儿挂在摇臂上。他们还会襄助布光。

Producer: What they actually do is totally up for the grabs -- either they handle the money, or they're the boss, or they're just also someone with the aforementioned golden ticket. 制片东谈主:骨子上,他们的责任十足便是多面手——管钱袋子,考究片场责任,或者他们我方亦然某大牌。

Production Assistant (PA): Does just what the job says -- assists the production in a variety of ways. They always carry a walkie talkie. They're also the first person you should befriend on set because they can get you what you need -- whatever that is. 制片助理:字面意旨真理便是他们的责任职责——以多种时势协助影片制作。他们频繁会拿着对讲机。到片场之后,他们也应该是你第一个搞好沟通的东谈主,因为他们能帮上你的忙,不管是什么忙。

Production Designer: The person responsible for the overall look of the film. They chat with the director and bring (with the help of a sizable art department) that vision to life. 好意思术总监:考究影片全体遵循。他们和导演交流之后会把设念念变为本质(借助畛域可不雅的艺术部门)。

Production Supervisor: It can be SO many different things. But the best ones are like ghosts because they do all the things that need to get done and no one even notices they needed doing. 制片监制:责任的确是太多太多了。但最佳的制片监制就像鬼魂,因为他们会把通盘需要措置的事情齐措置,但致使莫得东谈主细致到这些事情需要收拾。


Script Supervisor: Watches everyone like a hawk. It is their job to monitor action, wardrobe, props, set dressing, and hair and makeup on screen. 脚本携带:密切眷注每个东谈主。他们的责任是监督拍摄、服装、谈具、配景和发型及化妆。

Second Unit: The gaggle who shoots the "other stuff" for a movie. Mostly anything not involving the principal cast -- like action scenes, or pick up shots. 第二摄制组:拍影相片“其他内容”的团队。大多是不波及主要演员的任何内容——比方手脚场景,或者补拍镜头。

Writer: They created, whether originally or through adaptation, the world that got everyone excited about making the movie. 编剧:不管是基于原创依然通过改编,他们创造出让咱们为之繁荣的电影宇宙。



bestie: 最佳的一又友

dolly: 出动影相车

walkie talkie: 对讲机


翻译&编订:yaning国产 gv


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